Action Plan: 12 Ways to Maximize Your Experience at PRSA’s ICON 2024

This year’s PRSA ICON agenda includes 46 breakout sessions arranged in eight different learning tracks, keynote speakers such as Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Melissa Etheridge and countless networking opportunities. Attendees will take away valuable insights, new skills, and the latest tactics and strategies designed to solve the challenges faced in the communications profession today. Find the full ICON agenda here.

Attending ICON 2024 can be a game-changer for PR, communications and marketing professionals at all career levels. Here’s how to maximize your conference experience: 

Set clear goals.

Before the conference, identify your objectives. Whether it’s networking, learning new skills or discovering trends, knowing what you want will help you focus. Review the agenda and select sessions that align with your goals to ensure that you’re getting the most out of the event. 

Plan your schedule.

Prioritize the sessions that are most relevant to your career or business. Don’t try to attend everything — choose what will have the most impact. Also, make sure to schedule time for networking during breaks and social events. These moments are invaluable for making connections. 

Prepare beforehand.

Research the speakers, panelists and key attendees. This will enable you to ask informed questions and have meaningful conversations. Prepare questions in advance for Q&A sessions and networking. Additionally, ensure that your business cards or LinkedIn profile are updated, so you’re ready to exchange contact information. 

Start with a list.

Create a list of areas in your business or career to improve. Align this list with the sessions you plan to attend and available resources. This will give you a clear starting point for post-conference action. 

Prioritize your list.

Organize your list based on what’s most important or what excites you the most. While some suggest starting with the tasks that will have the biggest impact, following your motivation can be more effective. Choose the approach that feels right for you. 

Break it down.

Use the content from the presentations to break down each item on your list into small, actionable steps. For example, if you’re focusing on improving brand processes, then your tasks might include researching frameworks, drafting an outline, testing with a small project and refining the process based on feedback. Ensure that each step is manageable and actionable. 

Engage actively.

Don’t be a passive listener during the sessions. Participate in discussions, ask questions and contribute your insights. Networking is crucial, so take the time to introduce yourself to others and engage in meaningful conversations. Additionally, share your thoughts and key takeaways on social media using the Conference hashtag. This can help you connect with other attendees and even gain attention from speakers or organizers. 

Add due dates.

Assign realistic due dates to each task, considering your current workload. Avoid overwhelming yourself by spreading out the tasks over time. Tools like Trello, Asana and Google Calendar can help you stay on track. Even if you only complete one major task per month or a few smaller ones each week, then you’ll be making progress. 

Take notes and reflect.

During the sessions, document key insights, ideas and strategies. At the end of each day, review your notes and reflect on how they apply to your goals. This reflection will help reinforce what you’ve learned and how you can implement it. 

Follow up.

After the conference, reach out to the people you met. Personalized follow-ups can help maintain and strengthen these new connections. Review your notes and develop an action plan to apply what you learned to your work. If you’re part of a team, then consider sharing your insights through a presentation or summary. This not only reinforces your learning, but also adds value to your organization. 

Stay connected.

Join online communities or groups associated with the conference to continue discussions and share resources. Engage with the content and other attendees post-conference through social media or follow-up webinars. Staying connected can open new opportunities and collaborations long after the event. 

Take action!

Finally, get to work! The process of breaking down tasks into manageable steps with deadlines is simple yet effective. By turning “someday” tasks into tangible actions, you’ll be on your way to achieving your professional goals. 

With this guide, you’ll not only maximize your experience at PRSA ICON 2024, but also set the stage for long-term success in your career. 

Michael N. “Mike” Daily, APR, has been a communications professional for 27 years in both the public and private sectors, and is the co-founder, CEO and director of brand strategy for Communication Metrics, Inc., a strategic brand management consultancy specializing in brand community strategy. Daily is a retired Marine Corps Colonel Public Affairs Officer and lives with his wife, Clare, on a ranch in San Diego. He currently serves on the PRSA National APR Marketing Committee. Email:

[Photo credit: jim cowsert/grapevine photo]



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