PRSA Hawaii kicked off Ethics Month in September to engage our chapter and community in thoughtful discussions and activities centered around ethical practices in the field of public relations.
Ethics Month is an annual initiative across the Public Relations Society of America that runs throughout the month of September, serving as a dedicated time to highlight the importance of ethical practices in our field. It is a reminder of our commitment to uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and transparency as PR professionals. As members of PRSA, we have a responsibility to not only be proficient in our craft but also champions of ethical behavior within our industry.
Here’s how you can join us in celebration of PRSA Ethics Month:
Sept. 14, 2023 — Tune in to Shining a Light on Dark Tactics: Disinformation, Climate Litigation, and the PRSACode of Ethics. Registration for this webinar is free and now open for PRSA and PRSSA
Visit the new Ethics Month page on the PRSA website, which spotlights articles of interest and related upcoming programs. And, be on the lookout for a printed copy of the Code of Ethics as a special insert in the September issue of Strategies & Tactics.
Revisit PRSA’s Code of Ethics and its application to our profession.
Once you’ve refreshed with the latest ethical practices, test yourself by taking the Ethics Quiz.
Thank you for being a part of the PRSA Hawaii Chapter and upholding the strongest ethical values that our profession demands.